Friday, September 10, 2010

Battle of El Alamein - Dessert Blizard!!

"Before Alamein we never had a victory. After Alamein we never had a defeat." Winston Churchill was happiest than ever in this world war. He ordered to ring bells of all churches in London as a token to the achievement. First time in world war two, British soldiers had a decisive victory over Germans, that to against none other than Rommel. Who achieved this creditable victory, that changed the course of the war?

It all started after Italians invaded Egypt and Libya in 1940. British then concentrated on North African dessert of Sahara as proximal direction to attack Italy through Mediterranean sea. But When Germans captured Mediterranean islands of Crete and Malta, they regained mastery over Mediterranean region. Both troops fight each other at Tobruk in Libya where British were severely defeated and Gen. Wavell had to surrender. This Magic was created by a crafty German Commander General Erwin Rommel, who was also named as Dessert fox. Even after defeat, Churchill praised him for his military skills.
North African Campaign

Operation Sunflower - Rommel's first Blow
However, Churchill was thinking about next move of Rommel. If he would have won Suez Canal, the war was as good as lot for Germans. The same query they had discussed with American President Roosevelt. He then, as allied effort, send a bunch of Sherman Tanks as an assistance for North African Campaign. However, main obstacle for Churchill was to get a perfect leader for this hectic campaign.He found a perfect one - Gen. Bernard Montgomery.

Montgomery had only strategy - Plan perfectly, so that your victory will be assured before start of the battle itself. Most important thing in a war is a Soldier who wins the battle for his county. What he brought in the 9th army is discipline and courage, which had lost earlier. Churchill had visited the same place before, but it was all chaos before. Now he could see a big picture - a disciplined army under a determined general.     
Gen. Montgomery
Even in this scenario, if Montgomery could prove his leadership qualities in actual, it would have been a big boost for 9th army. Luckily, an opportunity came in the picture. Rommel planned another attack at Alam Halfa using his rapid battle technique and famous 'side flank attack'. He pushed his tanks from the left arm of Montgomery's army. Montgomery was perfectly speculated this plan and arranged some tanks behind to counter attack the asserting German tank. Morale : Rommel ought to retreat after losing 49 of his tanks.

This was a welcome victory for British. But Montgomery was not satisfied. He was looking for a decisive blow to Rommel's German army. He knew that Rommel's forces were too weak to attack anymore and he will use defensive tactics. His intelligence received a news - Germans have planted land mines in a wast are ahead of  German front, expecting an attack.

Montgomery decided to hit it hard now. Germans were expecting attack from south, so he camouflaged his tanks in the north in such way that from far distance, tanks were looking like supply wagons. On the other hand, on south, he planted duplicate cardboard tanks to fool Germans. Germans were totally trapped and were convinced that attack would go from south.

23rd October, 1942. British engineers began "Operation Light-foot" in order to unmine a corridor that can lead to German front. It was a hectic and irritating work, but engineers started the work with all their force. Germans realized the same, but it was too late. It was an attack from both ends. Still as unmining work was getting slow, Rommel saw an opportunity and forwarded his panzerfraust troops to hit Montgomery's tanks.
It worked and Montgomery had to put his tanks back.

He was totally unimpressed by the day's work. He decided to put the forward division behind the force and substituted the same with a Australian division. Also, an Indian division posed a mock attack towards Germans. Churchill was upset. "What is Monty doing?" he asked. Montgomery was quite certain about the plan. On 26th, actual fight began. Both sides fought fiercely.They fought for every inch of dessert. It was a long lasting fight. on 2nd November, Montgomery put a major blog to Axis by destroying their Armour and reducing their fuel supply. British tanks created a mess of German infantry troops troops and advanced ahead.
British Tanks advanced

On 5th, Rommel realized that German army were highly exhausted and totally outnumbered. Hitler already asked him to stay where they are and fight till the last man standing. But it was too late and much for Germans. Hitler reluctantly approved Rommel's retreat plan.

It was a first major victory for British and they never came back afterward. Montgomery later on pushed the entire axis forces out of Africa. He was proved to be a War Hero and showed his excellence later on the European after Normandy invasion. Rommel never visited to Africa again after Tunisian campaign.

J.F.C. Fuller, British General and military historian correctly quoted, " In history, there were more 1500 battles were fought throughout in the world, but there is no match for Battle of El Alamein in the strategic mobility point of view."

Truly said so!!!   

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Stalingrad - Bloodiest battle ever....

It was a cloudy day of 30th January, 1943. 'Field Marshal' Friedrich Paulus was sitting on chair with his head supporting both hands. We was clueless about what is meant for you ahead, when a Russian Lieutenant entered he room and said, "You are surrounded field marshal. Do you want to say anything?" Paulus was speechless. He surrendered to the Russian troops at last.L

The bloodiest battle and the history of mankind was over. About 1.1 Million soldiers were dead.0.75 Million were wounded. 91000 Germans were on their way to Siberia to spend rest of their lives in prison. 4500 tanks, 16000 artillery and 3600 aircrafts were lost in this battle.How did Germans lost their super-super important battle that changed the course of not only Russian end but of the entire war?

June 1942. Germans were previously aiming at Moscow as the chief target. But as war proceeds, more oil was required to the war.Hitler told his general that "If I do not get the oil of Maikop and Grozny then I must end this war". Generals like Halder and Bock were not convinced with changing the direction of the war, but Hitler replied, "My Generals do not understand the economy aspect of the war".
Germans decided to attack Stalingrad

To capture Caucasus, which was on the southern part of European Russia, it was to important to build strong side forces in order to avoid any block for the forces that are going to capture Caucasus. It was important to get Stalingrad in control, in order to keep any counter attacking force crossing Volga River.

To attack Stalingrad, which was on west bank of Volga, German decided to use classic scorpion attacked, i.e. two forces attacking city from two ends.City had just 180000 troops and 400 tanks for defense. Soviet lieutenant general Chuikov was certain that they cannot stand against the force which is twice in number and much more experienced than his army.
He decided to use the rough tactics to defend the city. He managed his troops in such a way that Germans have to fight for for every single house and single corner and street of the city. There were 60000 civilians inside city at that time, which were left after many left the city in fear. There civilians were ordered to build trenches for defense. Every building was formatted as a small citadel. Every building was comprising of Mortars, machine guns and most importantly, sniper guns with sniper specialists.
German begun their attack in late July. Their motive to burn the city to rubble using stuka bombers. When they entered the city, they were stunned by soviet defense tactics.It was sturdy fight at every part of the city.Many buildings defended themselves for several weeks.It was not easy for Germans to occupy the city. They then used another weapon to resolve the issue - flamethrower. It went perfect in close combat operations. Germans could occupy 80% of the city.

Bombing of Stalingrad
Germans destroyed the city to rubble
Even in that scenario, Germans were exhausted and wounded. They were on the missions from several months without any break. Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov was seen an opportunity in this and decided to prepare for the Soviet counterattack. It was a going to be a three way attack - North, south and from east across Volga. Zhukov has put all his might in this attack, as he was aware that Germans are advancing towards Maikop and it was his last opportunity.
Operation Uranus started. Germans were not expecting this at all and they were actually got trapped inside the city now. As there was Volga on east, they could not run away and had to break the chain. It was difficult for them to handle 100 divisions of Russians. The entrapment was more severe.

And then another General came for help of the Russians - General winter. Temperature went below -20 degree and German army started loosing its moral.There was no food, no shelter, clothes were not suitable for that sever weather. Many died of frostbite and hypothermia. In addition to that, Hitler made a speech in public that no single soldier will run away of Stalingrad and they will fight till the end. He rewarded Paulus with Field Marshall position, which none of the Generals had received from the start of the war. "Even after 100 years, Germans will admire the sacrifice you are making for the nation and will say that result of the war was decided just sue to this battle"    

Soviet soldier waving the Red Banner over Stalingrad
 Ironically, it came out to be fact, although against Hitler.Napoleon once correctly said that 'Armies which cannot be reinforced is already defeated." Germans lost the battle in the beginning of February. It was biggest blow Germans had and they could never recovered from this. It started a countdown for the Germans and provided Russians the breakthrough they were looking for. German Reich could never meet success on Russian front after Stalingrad.  


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Operation Barbarosa - When the world held its breath....

"Do we deserve this?"

Molotov asked Schulenburg about what he received just now. How would Schulenburg react? He was asked just to submit the final ultimatum to Molotov and not to discuss anything about this. He tried everything in pas to avoid Russo-German conflict, but perhaps it was too late now.

As the night past, Molotov and Stalin were discussing about what steps Hitler likely to take further. They were totally helpless about it and really lack enough resources to repel anticipated German forces.

At 4 AM of 22nd June, 1941, Russo-German pact was no more. About 4 million troops, along with thousands of tanks and aircrafts crossed soviet Russian border. This was an unforeseen attack, none had ever gather these many of forces in a single attack. The world was thrilled again.

There was no surprise. That was expected to happen some day. Hitler had clearly mentioned his intentions 16 years back when he wrote his autobiography, Mein Kampf. It had clearly insisting the fact that veins of German Race should expand to East. Then how could a cunning red fox never interpreted this fact? Why they were ignoring something that was obvious?

Stalin was a really guile leader. After stabilizing his own position by continuous 'purification' of communist party, he and his country were seeking peace for while. He realized that if there is any future conflict about to take place on European theater, it was most likely that Germans were attack Russia, after defeating Poland, and Anglo-British will stay safe. He was reading the future and hence decided to ally Germany, rather than finding it their opposition. It results in Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact just a week before the beginning of world war.

But even in this scenario, Stalin was not satisfied. He never trusted Hitler and found out that if they got invaded by Germans in future, they will be defeated easily but to lack of weapons. He then sorted out his plans for having weapon supply from Germans against food supply to Germans as a treaty.

Hitler was not happy. He knew why Stalin asked for weapon caches. He was certainly discrediting his war efforts. Hitler also needed oil as fast as possible. Caucasus was huge source of oil and Hitler was totally eying for that. There was no other choice left. Hitler decided to invade Soviet Russia.

Operation Barbarosa

  German forces were three fold strategy -
    Army Group North - Invading East Prussia
    Army Group Central - Invading East Poland
    Army Group South - Invading Romania, Bulgaria and Transylvania

They were successful in the plan perfectly. There was hardly any strong opposition for invading troops. Russians were surprised completed. At most of the Russian military posts, they received messages saying "We were been attacked.....what is to be done??" Russians were doomed completely and had to retreat back.

For Germans, it was a flashing victory. They were hoping to finish it off soon. German generals were dreaming of celebrating Christmas in Moscow!!! 

It was a major setback for Russian forces, but Stalin did not gave up. He did same what Churchill did in London. He appealed public for defend their motherland. Russians once again stood up together to save their country from evil German invaders. A lot was assured to happen in future!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Battle of Britain - Their Finest Hour!!!!

Have you heard of a country, tiny is size, less in population, short of resources, just witnessed greatest of the retreats ever in the history by his army, under attack by an enemy who is considered to be the mightiest of all the times and just 10 minutes far from its mainland, not only defended themselves from regular bombing by enemy bombers (not just 10-20 but in thousands), but restored itself to repel the enemy to defeat in only few months?

It was not odd for British Isles to find themselves under attack by fierce enemies for several centuries. Romans, Vikings, Saxons, Normans, French, all have attacked these small but mighty island and British had every time outdid the enemy. However, in summer on 1940, it was a different scenario. Germans were full on strength, with maximum morale required for any victory, were eager to have a final blow. They had just defeated British on European battlefield and once they defeat British on their own land, I was over for them.

British were largely outnumbered in every department. Had army, but with almost lost morale. Had navy, but without any air cover. Had air force, which was crippled in battle at meuse river. Had all great leader, who had lost their courage. Had people with fear in their mind about the future. It was disappointment. It was the darkest hour for history of Britain.

But in the dark, they heard words....just words.....words which revived the lost hope of the nation....words who will be remembered for centuries....

"You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us.....You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs..." 

"We shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"    
Victory maker with his sign

"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour."

Sir Winston Churchill harnessed English language. There was no surprise that those words inspired every British to die for his nation. British nation fought with all its might and never thought of any surrender against German Forces.

The advantage British had against fighting against German bombers and fighters was invention of Radar system. They used to found out German Messerschmitts coming in the territory and then used to summon British Spitfire planes to counter them from sector stations. Herman Göring, German Luftwaffe chief was totally unaware of this system and it cost too many lives and planes for Germans.Depressed Göring thought of another sinister method to win the battle.
London can take it!!

They started bombing London. Thousands of lives were lost, millions pound property was destroyed. It was a coward act. However, Britain still stood firm. "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few"  Churchill told about those who really showed their courage, Royal Air Force Pilots. Germans were exhausted. They decided upon calling off the raids.

Britain was saved!! It was the will showed by nation to win against all odds.Although they lost their empire after war, they always stood as a nation which showed its character in peril. Bravo Britain!!! Bravo Churchill!!
Publish Post

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Manstein Plan - A masterpiece!!!

"We are defeated. We have lost the battle"

Prime minister Winston Churchill could hardly believe in these words. It was a cloudy morning in London. Churchill was just out of his bed, when he had to receive a call from his French counterpart, Paul Renaud. Churchill already had nightmare of failure in Norway campaign, and then he was shocked, when on 10th of May, German forces broke through Luxembourg to make their way to British channel. Renaud's above statement was worse than any previous calamity.

"How is that possible? We just had a talk with general Georges and he told me that he will......"

" we have been defeated...there is nothing left for us"

It was a Miracle. The french stronghold was outsmarted by a beautifully executed plan which was never dreamt of before by any General. Erich Von Manstein was going to be remembered in the history of war strategies for a long period.

Any battle between Germany/Prussia and France had something common in between them....a battlefield of Luxembourg/Netherlands/Belgium. Same was repeated in first world war and same was what Anglo-french were expecting. And also there was no harm in doing so. Allies had all the resources to stop German forces. Dutch were planning to open all of their dams to stop German tanks and Belgium were banking on the line of strong forts to fight against German troops.
Manstein was working under Panzer marshal Heinz Guderian. He was the first to realize this fact. Thinking all possibilities he fixed up a plan, which at the end found out to be super useful for Axis powers.

Plan was like this - German forces will start up with attacking Benelux region, destroying main static defenses of Allies. Allies will then gather for counter attack in that region as they were planning to. Once enough of opposition forces gathered in the north, a huge number of German divisions will break through the dense jungle of Ardennes, just north of Maginot fortifications of France. These forces, including specialized panzer divisions, will reach to British channel without any halt and then attack the back of gathered allies forces.

It was executed superbly. When allies were defending Belgium, they heard that there is a major breakthrough in Sedan, they completely lost their morale to win the battle and instead started running towards British channel for their lives. It ended up in narrowing the gap and accumulation of allies troops near Dunkirk.

With this victory, Hitler got the mastery over half of the Europe. Similarly, a threat was created in the minds of Anglo-french that Hitler has a secret weapon for victory. The only secret weapon he had was fantastic Generals like Gerd Von Rundstedt and Heinz Guderian with sharp minded planners like Manstein & Schlieffen. Germans were victorious in the first half of this breath-taking theater of WWII.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

This day, That year....

It was a sunny day in Paris. Birds were chirping...were on their way to their workplaces...restaurants were full children were dancing on the streets....Paris was enjoying her summers with all her might. But suddenly a cry came out..."It all all started..." It was a newspaper boy, delivering daily newspaper, came up with a large shout. What was he shouting about??

An old ghetto in Warsaw....just another morning.....after prayers, young Moshe was just chatting with his buddies about what he did last holidays. Before he could complete his talks, a loud voice was heard. Moshe could clearly see a group of old preachers were discussing about some serious issue. Moshe went to his father, but only thing see on his father's face was fear. What he was fearing about??

10, Downing Street, British Prime minister's house....Neville Chamberlain had just got up his bed....had a cup of tea. He was still thinking about how he can manage the German Fuhrer. His butler came with daily newspaper. He just opened it and he was stunned. It was a big blow for what he was trying to avoid for last several months....What disturbed the leader of the greatest of the empires ever built in the history of mankind?

1 September, 1939. The day that shook the earth. Hitler's mighty forces entered Poland at 4 AM and it all started. Since Anglo-french decided upon the policy of 'Mutual Understanding', Hitler was surely dreaming of this day to come in the picture. And it happened so....

It was a Blitzkrieg....a lightening fast war that the world have never witnessed in past. First German fighter air crafts destroying the main locations of enemy then Stuka bombers destroying their gathered forces, creating fire on land and under that cover Panzer tanks crossing 40-50 km every day.... It was too much for Poland.

On the other hand, Soviet Russia played his part of an "understanding" ally of Germany, eating the remaining part of Poland. Result was a disaster for Poland. They lost and it created a fear in allies' minds, especially French.

They say it actually started with WWI and Treaty of Versailles...some say it all due German communists.....Whatever might be the reason, it was going to be the bloodiest years in the history for human beings...and it had the power to change the face of the future....